Lokar SP-1504U U-Cut-To-Fit GM & Chrysler Speedometer Cable Kit User Manual

Lokar For the car

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Building American Quality… With A Lifetime Warranty!

Step 3: After cutting housing, install end of housing into GM or

Chrysler trans end fitting.

Figure 1 Slide housing nut up

and tighten until housing is locked into fitting.

Figure 2

Note: Do Not over tighten nut as it will result in fitting failure.

Step 4: Install inner cable into the housing with the square

end towards the transmission gear. Install inner cable
into gear, making sure it bottoms out in this gear.
Screw trans end fitting on trans and route housing to
speedo with the inner cable installed. At the speedo
head, mark inner cable flush with the end of the
speedo end fitting.

Figure 3

Step 5: Remove inner cable. Cut at mark, debur inner cable

and install tip.

Stop! Please read all installation instructions before

beginning installation. Call Lokar with any questions or

uncertainties during your installation.

WARNING: Do not take trans end fitting off of housing.

Slide fitting back onto housing when ready to cut



INNER CABLE: For cutting cable and housing, we

suggest using quality diagonal cutters, i.e., Klein

Cutters, Part No. D2000-28 or Grainger’s No. 4A838.


HoUSING AND INNER CABLE: Cutting braided cable

housing is easy. Simply wrap the housing with masking

tape where the cut is to be made, clamp the housing in

a vise and then cut with a fine-tooth hacksaw. Remove

the tape before final assembly. Use the wire cutters

suggested above for cutting the inner cable.

A NotE ABoUt ALUMINUM FIttINGS: Always use an

anti-seize lubricant when tightening threaded fittings.

U-Cut-To-Fit Speedometer Cable Kit Installation

Step 1: Install outer housing to speedometer and route hous-

ing to transmission, making sure to keep away from
exhaust pipes.

Step 2: Hold housing up to transmission to determine length

and mark a cut line. Remove housing from vehicle
and cut housing at the cut line.

Figure 1

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U-Cut-To-Fit GM & Chrysler

Speedometer Cable Kit Instructions

Part # SP-1500U, SP-1501HT, SP-1504U, SP-1505HT

U-Cut-To-Fit GM & Chrysler Speedometer Cable Kit

Installation Instructions

Part # SP-1500U, SP-1501HT, SP-1504U, SP-1505HT

Step 6: Place inner cable and tip (A) into crimping die (B).

Figure 4

Step 7: Make sure tip is pushed onto inner cable completely.

Using pliers, hold crimping die onto a solid surface
and strike squarely with a hammer.

Step 8: Remove crimping die by prying apart with a


Step 9: Before final installation of inner cable into outer


LUBRICATE with light grease. Install in car.

Figure 1

Trans End Fitting

Outer Housing

Outer Housing
Ends Here

Figure 2

Tighten housing nut
only far enough to
lock on housing

Figure 3

Speedo End Fitting

Mark inner cable flush with end

Figure 4



Inner Cable

© 2007 Lokar, Inc.

Rev. 3/04/09 RPD 07/01/10
