5 fmbdelldevinfoall, 6 fmbgetdevicetotal, 7 fmbgetboardtotal – IEI Integration HDC-3x-Series_SDK_Linux User Manual

Page 36: 8 fmbsetcurdevicenum

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HDC-3x Series SDK (Linux)

Page 36

Return Value: TRUE: function succeeded; FALSE: functioned failed

2.4.5 FmbDellDevInfoAll

Description: release all of codec chip resources

Prototype: void FmbDellDevInfoAll(void)

Parameters: None

Return Value: None

2.4.6 FmbGetDeviceTotal

Description: get the current number of codec chip

Prototype: int FmbGetDeviceTotal(void)

Parameters: None

Return Value: codec chip number

2.4.7 FmbGetBoardTotal

Description: get the current number of card

Prototype: int FmbGetBoardTotal (void)

Parameters: None

Return Value: card number

2.4.8 FmbSetCurDeviceNum

Description: set the codec chip number

Prototype: void FmbSetCurDeviceNum(enum FMBDeviceNumEnum deviceNum)

Parameters: enum FMBDeviceNumEnum, device number

enum FMBDeviceNumEnum {

FMBEnmDevice_NONE = -1,