Safety information, Safety notices, World trade safety information – IBM ATM OC-3c User Manual
Page 81: Afety, Nformation, Safety notices a-1, World trade safety information a-1, Appendix a

You must read the following safety information
before carrying out any installation or removal of
components, or any maintenance procedures on
the Switch.
Safety Notices
Safety notices are printed throughout this manual.
DANGER notices warn you of conditions or proce-
dures that can result in death or severe personal
injury. CAUTION notices warn you of conditions or
procedures that can cause personal injury that is nei-
ther lethal not extremely hazardous.
World Trade Safety Information
Some countries require the safety information con-
tained in publications to be presented in their
national languages. Before using an English-lan-
guage publication to set up, install, or operate this
IBM product, you first should become familiar with
the related safety information.
DANGER: Before you begin to install this product,
read the safety information in Caution: Safety Infor-
mation – Read This First, SD21-0030. This booklet
describes safe procedures for cabling and plugging
in electrical equipment.
Varning — livsfara: Innan du börja installera den
här produkten bör du läsa säkerhetsinformtionen i
dokumentet Varning: Säkerhetsföreskrifter – Läs
detta först, SD21-0030. Där beskrivs hur du på ett
säkert sätt ansluter elektrisk utrustning.
Fare: Før du begynner å installere dette produktet,
må du lese sikkerhetsinformasjonen i Advarsel: Sik-
kerhetsinformasjon – Les dette først, SD21-0030
som beskriver sikkerhetsrutinene for kabling og
tilkobling av elektrisk utstyr.
Fare: Før du installerer dette produkt, skal du læse
sikkerhedsforskrifterne i NB: Sikkerhedsforskrifter –
Læs dette først, SD21-0030. Vejiedningen beskriver
den fremgangsmåde, du skal bruge ved tilslutning
af kabier og udstyr.
Gevarr: Voordat u begint met de installatie van dit
produkt, moet u eerst de veiligheidsinstructies lezen
in de brochure PAS OP! Veiligheidsinstructies – Lees
dit eerst, SD21-0030. Hierin wordt beschreven hoe u
electrische apparatuur op een veilige manier moet
bekabelen en aansluiten.