Preparation for the auto-tuning procedure – Hitachi SJ300 Series User Manual

Page 44

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Appendix A - Auto-tuning Procedure

WARNING: You may need to disconnect the load from the motor before performing

the DYNAMIC autotuning procedure. The inverter runs the motor forward
and backward for several seconds without regard to load movement limits.


Preparation for the Auto-tuning Procedure

e sure to check the following items and verify the related inverter configuration


before going

. Adjust the motor base frequency (A003) and the motor voltage selection (A082) to match the


erify that the motor is not more than one frame size smaller than the rated size for the


e sure that no outside force will drive the motor during auto-tuning (balance car and


DC braking is enabled (A051 = 01), the motor constants will not be accurately set.


hen auto-tuning WITH motor rotation (DYNAMIC, H002 = 02), be certain to consider and

a. The motor will rotate at up to 80% of the base frequency (speed); so make sure that


auto-tuning procedure unless


interfere with the motor rotating freely (not


motor if performing DYNAMIC auto-tuning.

6. Note that even when you select H001 = 01 for no rotation, sometimes slight motor rotation


hen using a motor that is one frame size smaller than the inverter rating, enable the

n set


ake sure A001 = 02, A097 = 00, and A098 = 00. Otherwise auto-tuning will fail with a

further in this procedure.


specifications of the motor used in the auto-tuning procedure.

inverter. Otherwise, the motor characteristic measurements may be inaccurate.

counterweight if cable is attached).

Therefore, disable DC braking (A051 = 00) before starting the auto-tuning procedure.

verify the following points:

this will not cause any mechanical or safety problems.
Do not attempt to either run or stop the motor during the
it is an emergency. If this occurs, re-initialize the inverter’s parameters to the factory
default settings (see “Restoring Factory Default Settings” on page 6–9 of the inverter
instruction manual). Then reprogram the parameters unique to your application, and
initiate the auto-tuning procedure again.
Release any mechanical brake that would
necessary if using STATIC auto-tuning).
Disconnect any mechanical load from the
The torque during dynamic auto-tuning may not be enough to move some loads.

will occur.

overload restriction function. Multiply the nameplate current of the motor by 1.5, and the
the overload restriction level (B022) to this value. This parameter is scaled in amperes.

CPU error (E11).