Handspring Visor User Manual
Page 281

Page 281
date of item 155
defining new currency 157
deleting records 72
menus 163
notes for records 91
opening 67
overview 67
purging records 73
receipt details 155
reports in Excel 159–162,
sorting records 87
templates for reports 160
type 156, 163
vendor 156
Fast 81
Fast Lookup 81–83
FCC Statement 275
Files, linking to external 210
Filing e-mail 179
Filters for e-mail 184–188
e-mail addresses 172–173
information in
phone numbers 84–85
using the Find application 83
Floating events 111
Folders for e-mail 181
Fonts 92
Formats preferences 221
Frozen handheld 249
Games 53, 223
General preferences
alarm sounds 222
auto-off delay 222
system sounds 222
Glossary. See Graffiti ShortCuts
accented characters 42
alphabet 35, 38
basic concepts 35
capital letters 39
Command stroke 24
defined 25
Giraffe game for practicing 53
how to write characters 36
menu commands 23
moving the cursor 43
numbers 39
online Help 71, 214
problems using 250
punctuation marks 40
ShortCuts for entering data 43,
symbols 41
tips 37
writing 35–44
writing area 14, 36
battery installation 18
contrast control 15
cover 16
Hard reset 244
Header information (e-mail) 169, 171
records 88
See also Private records
High Priority e-mail filter 187
buttons preferences 216
conduits for synchronizing