HP Jornada 420 User Manual

Page 133

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Appendix B | Migrating data from non–Windows CE

HP handheld PC devices | 129


B | | M


g ddata

a ffrom

non–Windows s CCE


P hhandheld


C ddevices

If your data is stored on an HP 100/200LX Palmtop PC or an
HP OmniGo Organizer, you must first transfer the data to your
desktop PC. Use the Hewlett-Packard PIM Translation Utility
(for HP devices only) to import the data into Microsoft Outlook or
Schedule+ 7.0a on your desktop PC. After you have imported the
data into Outlook or Schedule+, you can update the information
on your HP Jornada by synchronizing with Outlook or Schedule+
using Windows CE Services 2.2.

The HP PIM Translation Utility is available from the
HP Jornada compact disk and on the web at

This procedure migrates only Appointment Book and Phone Book
data. Before translating PIM data files, you must install the
version of Schedule+ 7.0a found on the Desktop Software for
Microsoft Windows CE compact disk on your desktop PC.

You can translate only one file at a time. To translate multiple
PIM data files, you need to repeat the Translation operation for
each file separately.


g aappointment t ddata

Although daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly repeated events are
supported in the Appointment Book applications on the
HP 100LX/200LX palm-size PCs and HP OmniGo 100/120
organizers and in the Calendar application on the HP Jornada,
the Schedule+ application supports only daily and yearly
repeated events. Because all translation goes through Schedule+,
no direct mapping is available from the older device to Schedule+