HP Jornada 420 User Manual
Page 133

Appendix B | Migrating data from non–Windows CE
HP handheld PC devices | 129
B | | M
g ddata
a ffrom
nonWindows s CCE
P hhandheld
C ddevices
If your data is stored on an HP 100/200LX Palmtop PC or an
HP OmniGo Organizer, you must first transfer the data to your
desktop PC. Use the Hewlett-Packard PIM Translation Utility
(for HP devices only) to import the data into Microsoft Outlook or
Schedule+ 7.0a on your desktop PC. After you have imported the
data into Outlook or Schedule+, you can update the information
on your HP Jornada by synchronizing with Outlook or Schedule+
using Windows CE Services 2.2.
The HP PIM Translation Utility is available from the
HP Jornada compact disk and on the web at http://www.hp.com/
This procedure migrates only Appointment Book and Phone Book
data. Before translating PIM data files, you must install the
version of Schedule+ 7.0a found on the Desktop Software for
Microsoft Windows CE compact disk on your desktop PC.
You can translate only one file at a time. To translate multiple
PIM data files, you need to repeat the Translation operation for
each file separately.
g aappointment t ddata
Although daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly repeated events are
supported in the Appointment Book applications on the
HP 100LX/200LX palm-size PCs and HP OmniGo 100/120
organizers and in the Calendar application on the HP Jornada,
the Schedule+ application supports only daily and yearly
repeated events. Because all translation goes through Schedule+,
no direct mapping is available from the older device to Schedule+