Chapter 4 explanation of functions, 1 functions requiring the sj-fb, 2 v2 control pulse setting – Hitachi SJ700-2 User Manual

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Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions

4.3 Functions Available When the Feedback Option Board (SJ-FB) Is Mounted

4.3.1 Functions requiring the SJ-FB

A044: V/F characteristic curve selection, 1st motor
A001: Run command source setting
A076: PV source setting
A141: Operation-target frequency selection 1
A142: Operation-target frequency selection 2

Related code

- The feedback option board (SJ-FB) is generally required in the following


<1> When "05" (V2: vector control with sensor) is specified for V/F

characteristic curve selection, 1st motor(A044)

<2> When pulse train frequency input is specified by one of the following


- "06" (pulse train input) is specified for the run command source setting (A001).

- "10" (operation function result) is specified for the run command source setting (A001), and "05" (pulse train frequency)

is specified for operation-target frequency selection 1 (A141) or operation-target frequency selection 2 (A142).

- "03" (pulse train frequency input) is specified for the PV source setting (A076).

- For the wiring and DIP switch setting of the SJ-FB, refer to the instruction manual for the SJ-FB.


You can check the direction of motor rotation with the actual-frequency monitoring function (d008). For checking with

this monitoring function, specify "00" (VC) for the V/F characteristic curve selection (A044) and make the inverter

operate the motor. (Normally, a positive frequency is monitored when a forward-operation command is input, and vice


P012: Control pulse setting
A001: Frequency source setting
P013: Pulse train mode setting
P011: Encoder pulse-per-revolution (PPR)
P023: Position loop gain setting
H004: Motor poles setting, 1st motor
C001 to C008: Terminal [1] to [8] functions

Related code

4.3.2 V2 control pulse setting

To use the V2 control pulse setting function, specify "00" (ASR: speed control
mode) or "01" (APR: pulse train position control mode) for the control pulse setting
In speed control mode, select a device to input frequency commands by the
frequency source setting (A001).
In pulse train position control mode, each frequency command is
generated from a position command pulse train and the feedback
of the position data detected by the encoder. The position command is input via an intelligent input terminal, to which the input of the
pulse train position command is assigned. You can perform the position control with the command.
Select one of three input formats for the pulse train position command by the pulse train mode setting (P013).
To use the pulse train position control mode, assign function "48" (STAT) to an intelligent input terminal. The inverter accepts a pulse
train position command only when the STAT terminal is on.
You can clear the position deviation data by an external signal. Assign function "47" (PCLR) to an intelligent input terminal. Turning
the PCLR on and off clears the position deviation data in the inverter.
To output a speed deviation error signal, assign function "22" (DSE) to an intelligent input terminal, and specify a deviation level as
the speed deviation error detection level (P027). If the deviation of the actual frequency (motor speed) from that specified by the
frequency command exceeds the error detection level (P027), the inverter will output the DSE signal.


Function code

Data or range of data



ASR: Speed control mode


APR: Pulse train position control mode


APR2: Absolute position control mode

Control pulse setting



HAPR: High resolution absolute position
control mode

00 MD0:


°-phase-shift pulse train


MD1: Forward/reverse operation command
with pulse train

Pulse train mode setting (*2)



MD2: Forward-operation pulse train with
reverse-operation pulse train

Encoder pulse-per-revolution
(PPR) setting


128. to 9999. or 1000 to

6553 (10000 to 65535)


Pulse count of encoder

Position loop gain setting (*1)


0.00 to 99.99 or 100.0


Position loop gain

Speed deviation error detection
level setting


0.00 to 99.99 or 100.0 to

120.0 (Hz)

Deviation level at which to output the DSE

Motor poles setting, 1st motor


2, 4, 6, 8, or 10 (poles)

Selection of the number of poles of the motor


PCLR: Clearance of position deviation data

Terminal function

C001 to C008


STAT: Pulse train position command input

Terminal function

C021 to C025


DSE: Speed deviation error signal

Alarm relay terminal function



DSE: Speed deviation error signal

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