HP IEEE 1394 User Manual
Page 28
Interface Installation and Configuration
Chapter 2
D. Click on OK to close the utility and complete the configuration.
Editing the HP E8491A
When it is necessary to edit your configuration, click ‘I_O Config’ in the
HP I_O Libraries program group (Figure 2-10). To edit the HP E8491A,
click (highlight) the configured interface (vxi VXI0) in the utility (Figure
2-11). This activates the ‘Edit’ button on the bottom of the window.
If you want to change the SICL interface name and number to something
more descriptive, use the ‘SICL Interface Name’ field. You can change the
VISA interface number using the up/down arrows next to the ‘VISA
Interface Name’ field. The SICL and VISA interface names (and numbers)
do not have to be the same.
Make a note of the interface name and number, as they are used in
addressing instruments in the mainframe (see “Chapter 3: VXI
Programming Using the IEEE 1394 Serial Bus” for more information).
The ‘Help’ button provides information on each item in the window.
Figure 2-12. Editing the HP E8491A Configuration.
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