Index – HP 10 User Manual
Page 52

Index 52
about this guide, 6
additional drivers, 13
AMD memory scrubber, 40
applicable OS versions, 6
applicable servers, 6
basic installation
interactive, 9
overview, 8
prerequisites, 8
basic troubleshooting techniques
GRUB command line, 44
kernel debugger, 44
network verification, 44
shell prompt, 43
bcme fails to attach, 41
boot methods, 16
booting Solaris from GRUB
HPQnetstrategy, 31
options, 31
overview, 31
common problems
GRUB cannot boot Solaris, 45
GRUB does not display a menu, 45
installation succeeds but no network availability after
reboot, 47
installation succeeds but server fails to boot, 47
installation terminates prematurely, 46
JumpStart reverts to interactive configuration, 46
Rapid Deployment Pack job fails, 45
system becomes unresponsive using remote console,
system does not boot to GRUB, 44
configuration information, 11
GRUB, 10
installation, 10
miniroot, 11
overview, 10
packages, 11
configuration information, 11
configuration methods, 17
custom bootable ISO image creation
prerequisites, 33
procedure, 33
deploying ProLiant servers, 12
additional drivers, 13
deployment resource kit, 15
flash archives, 15
iLO virtual media, 14
JumpStart, 14
miniroot, 13
Rapid Deployment Pack, 14
deployment planning
implementing a custom ISO-boot-based deployment,
implementing a PXE-boot-based deployment, 17
implementing an RDP-initiated deployment, 18
overview, 16
selecting a strategy, 16
deployment resource kit, 15
deployment tasks
custom bootable ISO image creation, 33
GRUB preparation, 30
install server preparation, 19
JumpStart preparation, 23
miniroot preparation, 21
overview, 19
Rapid Deployment Pack preparation, 28
DHCP server, 12
DHCP/PXE preparation
overview, 26
prerequisites, 26
procedure, 27
disabled PCI devices, 39