HP 17bII+ User Manual

Page 62

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5: Time Value of Money

File name : English-M02-1-040308(Print).doc Print data : 2004/3/9

The time value of money (TVM) menu does many compound-interest
calculations. Specifically, you can use the TVM menu for a series of cash
(money received or money paid) when:

„ The dollar amount is the same for each payment.


„ The payments occur at regular intervals.
„ The payment periods coincide with the compounding periods.

Payment mode: the
end of each period

12 payments (or periods)
per year

To second level of TVM

Figure 5-1. The First Level of TVM

The first level of the TVM menu has five menu labels for variables plus

. The

key accesses a second-level menu used to specify

payment conditions (the payment mode) and to call up the AMRT
(amortization) menu.

Figure 5-2. The Second Level of TVM


For situations where the amount of the payment varies, use the CFLO (cash

flows) menu.