HP 17bII+ User Manual
Page 287

File name : English-M02-1-040308(Print).doc Print data : 2004/3/9
The calculator is unable to calculate I%YR. Check the values stored in PV,
PMT, and FV. Make sure the signs of the numbers are correct. If the
values of PV, PMT, and FV are correct, the calculation is too complex for
the TVM menu. You may be able to perform the calculation using the
CFLO menu to calculate IRR%.
The calculation of IRR% is complex, and requires you to store a guess.
(Refer to page 238.)
Continuous Memory has been erased (page 224, 229).
The list name you’ve attempted to enter is already in use; type in a new
name and press
No solution is possible using the values stored in the current built-in
menu or list. This most commonly results from an incorrect sign for a
cash flow or other monetary value. (Review page 64.)
Attempted to calculate the factorial of a negative or non-integer value.
A warning
-not an error-that the magnitude of a result is too large for
the calculator to handle, so it returns ±9.99999999999E499 rounded
to the current display format. See page 47 for limits.