Calculator memory (@m) – HP 17bII+ User Manual
Page 37

1: Getting Started
File name : English-M02-1-040308(Print).doc Print data : 2004/3/9
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Calculator Memory (
The calculator stores many different types of information in its memory.
Each piece of information requires a certain amount of storage space.
You can monitor the amount of available memory by pressing
Number of bytes of
memory still free
Percentage of total
memory still free
The amount of memory available for storing information and working
problems is about 30,740 bytes. (Units of memory space are called
bytes.) The calculator gives you complete flexibility in how you use that
available memory (such as for lists of numbers or equations). Use as
much of the memory as you want for any task you want.
If you use nearly all of the calculator’s memory, you’ll encounter the
message . To remedy this situation, you
must erase some previously stored information. Refer to “Managing
Calculator Memory” on page 227 in appendix A.
The calculator also allows you to erase at once all the information stored
inside it. This procedure is covered in “Erasing Continuous Memory” on
page 229.
Storing numbers in menus like TVM (non-Solver menus) does not use any of
your memory space.