HP 2600 Series User Manual

Page 65

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Web and MAC Authentication for the Series 2600/2600-PWR and 2800 Switches

Configuring Web Authentication


aaa port-access web-based [e] < port-list > [redirect-url <url>]

no aaa port-access web-based [e] < port-list > [redirect-url]

Specifies the URL that a user is redirected to after a
successful login. Any valid, fully-formed URL may be
used, for example, http://welcome-server/welcome.htm
or ProCurve recommends that you
provide a redirect URL when using Web Authentica-

Use the

no form of the command to remove a specified

redirect URL.
(Default: There is no default URL. Browser behavior
for authenticated clients may not be acceptable.)


aaa port-access web-based [e] < port-list > [server-timeout <1 - 300>]

Specifies the period, in seconds, the switch waits for a
server response to an authentication request. Depend-
ing on the current

max-requests value, the switch sends

a new attempt or ends the authentication session.
(Default: 30 seconds)


[no] aaa port-access web-based [e] < port-list > [ssl-login]]

Enables or disables SSL login (https on port 443). SSL
must be enabled on the switch.

If SSL login is

enabled, a user is redirected to a secure

page, where they enter their username and password.
If SSL login is

disabled, a user is not redirected to a

secure page to enter their credentials.

Use the

no form of the command to disable SSL login.

(Default: disabled)


aaa port-access web-based [e] < port-list > [unauth-vid <vid>]

no aaa port-access web-based [e] < port-list > [unauth-vid]

Specifies the VLAN to use for a client that fails authen-
tication. If

unauth-vid is 0, no VLAN changes occur.

Use the

no form of the command to set the unauth-vid to 0.

(Default: 0)