HP LASERJET 3800 User Manual

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14. Connect the four springs on the white slide lever to each of the individual cartridge locks (start

from the middle ones, it is easier that way). You will need needle-nosed pliers with pointed tips.
The spring on the top is attached; the one on the bottom is not attached. Move the ETB guide to
the up (vertical) position to help with removing and re-installing the Main Drive Assembly.

15. Make sure the gears are aligned properly before installing the main drive assembly. The four

large gears should be in an approximate line (see picture). The top two large gears have an oval
hole that aligns with a triangle stamped into the sheet metal. The two small gears to the right
(they may fall off when removing the MDA); align with the three large bottom gears. Notice the
two holes on each of the small gears align with the small holes of the large gears.