HP 16500C User Manual
Page 121

You should adjust measurement mod-
ules to eliminate as much skew as
possible so that it does not affect the
accuracy of your measurements.
source field
In the oscilloscope,
the field that allows you to select a
channel for edge triggering and trig-
ger level setting.
state sequence levels
The indi-
vidual states for the trigger
sequencer in the state analyzer. For
example, the HP 16550A has twelve
states in its trigger sequencer. Each
state has a sequence-advance specifi-
cation and sequence-else
specification, which specify the con-
ditions the analyzer must find to
transition from state to state. One of
the states is the trigger term (see
trigger). Each state also specifies the
data which the analyzer will store
while in that state looking for the se-
quence-advance and sequence-else
storage qualification
Store quali-
fication allows you to specify the
type of information to be stored in
memory. Use store qualification to
prevent memory from being filled
with unwanted activity. When you
begin to troubleshoot a problem, you
will probably want to qualify storage
of all activity. As you understand the
problem better, you may want to
qualify only storage of a routine of in-
terest, or qualify only writes to a
Terms are the names of val-
ues that can be used in trigger
sequences. A term can be a single
value on a label or set of labels, any
value within a range of values on a la-
bel or set of labels, or a glitch or
edge transition on a bit or set of bits.
See Also pattern terms, range terms,
and glitch/edge terms.
timing sequence levels
to state sequence levels. However,
the analyzer configuration may be
such that there are different num-
bers of state and timing sequence
levels. See also state sequence levels.
toggle field
A dark-blue field that
has only two options. When you se-
lect the field, the current option in
that field will change (toggle) to its
other option.
touch-sensitive screen
Any dark-
blue field on the screen is a
“selectable” field. When you touch a
dark-blue field, the field toggles to
another option, a pop-up menu ap-
pears, or the field turns light-blue to
activate the control knob on that