Preprocessor problems, Target system will not boot up – HP 16500C User Manual
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Preprocessor Problems
This section lists problems that you might encounter when using a
preprocessor. If the solutions suggested here do not correct the
problem, you may have a defective preprocessor. Refer to the User’s
Guide for your preprocessor for test procedures. Contact your local
Hewlett-Packard Sales Office if you need further assistance.
Target system will not boot up
If the target system will not boot up after connecting the preprocessor
interface, the microprocessor or the preprocessor interface may not be
installed properly, or they may not be making electrical contact.
Ensure that you are following the correct power-on sequence for the
preprocessor and target system.
Power up the analyzer and preprocessor.
Power up the target system.
If you power up the target system before you power up the preprocessor,
interface circuitry in the preprocessor may latch up, preventing proper target
system operation.
Verify that the microprocessor and the preprocessor interface are
properly rotated and aligned, so that the index pin on the
microprocessor (such as pin 1 or A1) matches the index pin on the
preprocessor interface.
Verify that the microprocessor and the preprocessor interface are
securely inserted into their respective sockets.
Verify that the logic analyzer cables are in the proper sockets of the
preprocessor interface and are firmly inserted.
Reduce the number of extender sockets.
See Also
“Capacitive Loading” in this chapter.