Hasselblad H1D User Manual
Page 138

Hasselblad H1D
Hasselblad H1D
Flash ready exposure lock 8
• Yes • No. Allows you to make an exposure before
the flash is fully charged. For use with integral
flash unit or other TTL compatible flash units
connected to the hot-shoe. Not valid for flash
units connected by the PC connector.
Yes blocks the shutter until flash is ready.
No allows shutter release before flash is ready.
Magazine exposure lock 9
• Yes • No Allows you to release the camera with
an attached sensor unit without power or an at-
tached magazine with no film.
Yes blocks the shutter with an attached sensor
unit without power or an attached magazine with
no film and also produces a warning message on
the grip and viewfinder LCD.
No allows the shutter to be released.
Lens exposure lock 10
• Yes • No
Allows you to release the camera without a lens
Yes blocks the shutter if there is no lens attached
and also displays a message on the grip LCD: No
No allows the camera to perform a release opera-
tion without a lens.
Out of range exposure lock 11
• Yes • No
Allows you to release the camera when either the
aperture or shutter speed setting is beyond the
working range (indicated on the LCDs by “--”).
Yes blocks the shutter if beyond the working
No allows the shutter to be released if beyond
the working range.
True exposure 12
• On • Off
Determines whether the exposure is automati-
cally adjusted to create a true exposure setting. (See
Appendix, Glossary of Terms for full explanation).
On allows the adjustment.
Off retains the normal setting.