Hasselblad H1D User Manual

Page 117

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Hasselblad H1D

Hasselblad H1D

In Continuous setting (AF C), the shutter can be released rapidly before the lens is focused in

order to capture a split-second shot (in Single Shot, an exposure cannot be made until the

camera has had time to focus). However, the camera will continue to focus if a moving

subject is within the focusing zone or if you recompose, even though the shutter release

button is half pressed.
One method to exploit this feature when photographing in a rapidly changing situation such

as photojournalism, for example, is to keep the shutter release button pressed down. In this

way the lens focuses constantly (according to the focusing zone) and by momentarily releas-

ing the pressure on the shutter release and then immediately pressing again, you minimize

the amount of time needed for the lens to check focus, thus ensuring a split-second shot at

optimum focus.
Autofocus mode

Autofocus is set via the control wheels in the following manner:
In camera active mode:
1) Press the
AF button on the grip.
2) Turn the front control wheel to:
Single Shot or Continuous as required.
3) Press
Save to store the setting.