Hasselblad H1D User Manual

Page 107

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Hasselblad H1D

Hasselblad H1D

a) lock an EV setting in manual and automatic modes.
b) be used in Zone mode.

When the button is pressed, the light metering facility is locked to the EV setting at that

moment. An L (= locked) symbol appears between the shutter speed and the aperture indica-

tion on the grip LCD and viewfinder LCD to confirm the status. Press the AE-L button again

to unlock (toggle function).
In the locked setting, the aperture and shutter speed become interlocked. In this way, a new

aperture/shutter combination that still represents the same EV, can be rapidly chosen. For

example, if you set the shutter at 1/125s and the aperture at f/8 and lock them together, you

can access new EV-equivalent combinations of, for example, 1/30s a f/16 or 1/500s at f/4 just

by moving the front control wheel.
In practice this means you could, for example, in auto mode, position the metering area

(spot setting) over an area in the subject that you determine to be equivalent to a mid-grey

and lock it with the AE-L button. You can then re compose the picture with the metering zone

positioned over an area much brighter or darker while still retaining the original exposure

setting and choose a new combination of aperture and shutter speed settings.

e AE-L button also allows the spot metering function to make tonal comparison read-

ings and brightness range checks. Press the AE-L button to lock the EV setting. In this way,

the metered area is saved as a mid-grey (Zone V), the marker above the viewfinder exposure

scale displays the amount of over-or under deviation (from the original mid-grey setting)

the metering zone is reading at that moment in EVs. e amount of compensation appears

on the grip LCD and in the viewfinder LCD as EVs.
If you have chosen Spot together with Zone display (see Custom options) as well as one of the

automatic modes A, S, P or Pv, point the spot marking at an area that you decide should be a