Manual centre weighted – Hasselblad H1D User Manual
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Hasselblad H1D
Centre weighted
Hasselblad H1D
are not sure about choice, please check in a photographic textbook for a fuller explanation.
Also check our website occasionally – – for articles and discussions
concerning such matters.
Remember that exposure configurations are only applicable to the speed of the film in use.
Ensure you have the correct setting on the film magazine!
Since the light measuring system is TTL, filter factors, lens extension / extension ring factors,
etc, are automatically taken into account for average purposes. However, some combinations
of methods and equipment can cause slight discrepancies for various reasons and therefore
for critical work you should make alternative exposures to suit personal preference.
Exposures are displayed on the grip LCD to within 1, 1/2 and 1/3 EV tolerances (depend-
ent on setting). This means that ‘half-stops’ are shown in a form that can differ from
more traditional displays. For example, the position between f/ 8 and f/11 is displayed
as f9.5 and likewise the position between 1/30s and 1/60s is displayed as 45. Therefore
a display showing ‘f 9.5 45’ simply means ‘f/9.5 at 1/45 second’. The appearance of
an ‘s’ after the shutter speed signifies whole seconds so, for example, ‘45s’ on the display
signifies an exposure time of 45 seconds, not 1/45.