Oxymitter 4000 – Emerson OXYMITTER 4000 User Manual
Page 71

Instruction Manual
IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0
December 2003
Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management
Installation 2-17
Oxymitter 4000
g. Connect Relay Output Wiring
Relay connections are available to signal
when the Oxymitter 4000 is in calibration or
when calibration failed. Relay outputs can
be connected to either indicator lights or a
computer interface. The relay contacts are
capable of handling a 5 to 30 VDC maxi-
mum power source.
The cabling requirement is 1000 ft (303 m)
maximum. Route the relay output leads
through the 1/2 in. NPT signal conduit port
(Figure 2-3) and out through the bottom of
the manifold. Connect the (+) and (-) CAL
FAIL leads and the (+) and (-) IN CAL leads
to terminals 7, 8, 9, and 10, respectively, as
shown in Figure 2-12.
h. Connect 4-20 mA Signal Wiring
Route the 4-20 mA signal wiring into the
manifold through the 1/2 in. NPT signal
conduit port (Figure 2-3) and out through
the bottom of the manifold. Connect the (+)
and (-) signal leads to terminals 3 and 4, re-
spectively, as shown in Figure 2-12.
i. Once all connections are made, install termi-
nal cover (27, Figure 9-13) and secure with
screws (26). Make sure terminal cover gasket
(28) is in place.
a. Reference
After the Oxymitter 4000 is installed, con-
nect the reference air set to the Oxymitter
4000. The reference air set should be in-
stalled in accordance with Figure 2-13.
Instrument Air (Reference Air): 10 psig
(68.95 kPag) minimum, 225 psig (1551.38
kPag) maximum at 2 scfh (56.6 L/hr) maxi-
mum; less than 40 parts-per-million total
hydrocarbons. Regulator outlet pressure
should be set at 5 psi (35 kPa). Reference
air can be supplied by the reference air set
of the IMPS 4000.
If using an IMPS 4000, refer to the IMPS
4000 Intelligent Multiprobe Test Gas Se-
quencer Instruction Bulletin for the proper
reference air connections.
Do not use 100% nitrogen as a low gas
(zero gas). It is suggested that gas for
the low (zero) be between 0.4% and
2.0% O2. Do not use gases with hy-
drocarbon concentrations of more
than 40 parts per million. Failure to
use proper gases will result in errone-
ous readings.
b. Calibration
Two calibration gas concentrations are used
with the Oxymitter 4000, Low Gas - 0.4% O
and High Gas - 8% O
. See Figure 2-14 for
the Oxymitter 4000 connections.