Emulex NQTR0V-NATM User Manual
Page 97

Novell NetWare 3-15
c:> a:\install a: c:
This command installs the files from drive A to C:\tes-krmt.
NOTE: TES must be loaded after NetWare client software
is installed and before starting Kermit.
4) Go to the TES-Krmt subdirectory:
C:> cd\tes-krmt
NOTE: If TES is already present, do not repeat the
5) Run TES:
C:\TES-KRMT> tes
TES will terminate but stay resident.
6) Run Kermit:
C:\TES-KRMT> kermit
The MS-Kermit> prompt will appear.
7) Select port:
C:\MS-Kermit> set port tes server_name
8) Connect to printer server:
C:\MS-Kermit> connect
9) Press E
until the printer server login banner is displayed.
10) At the Enter Username or Help>, enter any two characters.
11) At the Server>, enter su:
Server> su
This gives you supervisor status.