EnGenius Technologies ENH500 User Manual
Page 59
Internet Connection
Select PPTP to begin configuration of the PPTP connection.
Specify the Maximum Transmit Unit size. EnGenius recommends
that it remains in Auto.
IP Address
Specify WAN port IP address.
IP Subnet Mask
Specify WAN IP Subnet Mask.
Gateway IP Address
Specify WAN Gateway IP address.
PPTP Server
Specify PPTP Server IP address.
Specify the Username that is given by your ISP.
Specify the Password that is given by your ISP.
Connect on Demand
Select the Radio button to specify the maximum idle time. The
Internet will disconnect when it reaches the maximum idle time;
however, it will automatically connect when a client tries to access
the network.
Keep Alive
Select the Radio button to keep internet connection always on.
Specify the redial period once the internet lose connection.
Get Automatically
From ISP
Select the Radio button for the DNS servers to be obtained
automatically from the DHCP server.
Use These DNS Servers Select the Radio button for setup the Primary DNS and
Secondary DNS servers manually.
Discard Ping on WAN Place a check to Enable or Disable ping from WAN.
Accept / Cancel
Press Accept to confirm the changes or Cancel to return
previous settings.
Accept does not apply the changes – you must go to Status -> Save / Load
to apply the new settings. Please refer to Chapter 4.1 for more information.
If the router's MTU is set too high, downstream packets will be fragmented. If
the router's MTU is set too low, the router will fragment packets unnecessarily and, in extreme
cases, may be unable to establish connections. In either case, network performance can suffer.