Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve Advanced Panel User Manual
Page 64

Example 1:
This example shows the reel number stored within the parent folder name of the clip.
Clip Name:
Reel number:
Parsing takes place from right to left so to analyze this pattern start at the right end. In this case the
%D matches to the file name “FrameNNNN.dpx” where NNNN is the frame number in each file of the
clip. Moving left of the file name, the /%R/ section of the string is next. This specifies that the reel
number will be the entire name of the parent directory immediately above the file. Then the * at the
beginning of the string says match any pathname in front of the directory name that has the reel
number. This string would find the parent directory regardless of how many levels deep it is nested
on the directory path.
Example 2
: Here we see the reel number stored in the parent folder name of the clip along with being
prefixed by reel number.
*/????%R/%D or alternatively */Reel%R/%D
Clip Name:
Reel number:
In this example both of these extractions patterns produce the same result. They are also similar to the
first example. The reel number is still in the parent directory name but in this case it will have the fixed
characters “Reel” prefixed in front of the reel number. The first pattern with ???? would actually match
with any 4 character in front of the reel number. The second pattern is more specific and would only
match the word “Reel” in the directory name.
Example 3:
This example will show the reel number stored within the parent folder name two directory
levels up.
Clip Name:
Reel number:
This example is again similar to example 1. The difference is that the reel number is the directory name
two levels above the clip. In the example 1, the reel number was in the directory name only one level up.
Example 4:
Finally, we see the reel number that is embedded within the clip name of the material.
Clip Name:
Reel number:
This example shows a method for extracting the reel number for the file name of the clip. Again, starting
at the right the two pattern characters “_*” match any series of characters up to the first underscore
character. Which in this case will pick up the file extension (.dpx) and the frame number portion of the
file name. Next, the “/Reel%R” characters indicate the reel number is the characters between the ‘/Reel”
and _ character. The * at the beginning of the pattern will match a file path any number of directories
deep in front of the file name.