Clip decoder settings – Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve Advanced Panel User Manual
Page 233

Clip Decoder Settings
Just as the Source Tab on the Config screen offered Project-based RED Clip Decoder settings, this
window offers the same controls for each clip. You can easily compare the values of the clip settings
to the Project, Camera, or RED Default metadata as these are listed on the right-hand side of the
clip sliders.
Similar to exposure this control adjusts gain from the black point to white in a
linear manner. 320 is the default.
The Floating Point Look-Up Table controls operate within the new color space
to give cleaner and finer ISO and mid-grey variation without introducing
DRX is a dynamic range control that takes into account Color Temp (Degrees
Kelvin) and Tint.
Provides adjustments at the toe of the FLUT.
Calibrated to replicate industry standard f-stops, Exposure increases or
decreases the image lightness and clips the data levels at each end.
This also adjusts the image brightness by changing the black level, but unlike
Exposure, this control will compress the image at each end of its range.
With the mid-tones maintained, the Contrast control adjusts the number of
discreet steps in the grey scale by changing the slope of the response curve.
Color Temp:
Sometimes referred to as Kelvin, the Color Temperature adjusts the RGB matrix
to consider the blue/red ratio. Common values are 3200 for Tungsten lighting
and 5600 for daylight.
Use the Tint control to adjust the yellow parameters of the RGB matrix. Ideal to
correct fluorescent or sodium vapor lamp problems.
The color saturation is varied from monochrome at 0 value, to the default, or
unity, of 1, up to very over saturated at 5.
Custom PDLog:
The Custom PDLog parameter, Black Point, White Point and Gamma are user-
adjustable from their respective default values of 95, 685 and 0.6 gamma.
The Red, Green and Blue Gain controls adjust each color channels gain with 0
being the reference point. One is unity gain and the maximum ten is ten times
greater amplitude than unity.