Nikon D5 User Manual
Page 48

Rhythmic Gymnastics
For events with apparatuses, choose 3D-
tracking, position the focus area over your
subject (for best results, choose the uni-
form or another area of the subject that is
a different color from the background), and
press and hold the AF-ON button or keep the
shutter-release button pressed halfway.
The camera will automatically track the
subject, letting you concentrate on composition. If you
find that the camera has trouble tracking athletes against
the stands, billboards, and other varied backgrounds,
switch to 72-point dynamic-area AF.
• Autofocus mode: AF-C
• AF-area mode: 72-point dynamic-area AF or 3D-tracking
• Custom Settings
‣‣a1 AF-C priority selection: Release
‣‣a3 Focus tracking with lock-on
> Blocked shot AF response: 3
Subject motion: Normal
‣‣a4 3D-tracking face-detection: Off
‣‣a7 Store by orientation: Focus point