PLANET WDRT-731U User Manual
Page 66

User Manual of WDRT-731U
Click “Add” to display the page below:
Figure 5-4-11
The page includes the following fields:
Check/uncheck to enable/disable current bandwidth entry
IP Range:
Enter a single IP or an IP range.
Bandwidth Limit:
Max total upload bandwidth for a specified PC or a range of PCs.
Bandwidth Limit:
Max total download
ecified PC or a range of PCs
bandwidth for a sp
P2P Download
Regulates P2P download rate to ensure each user a guaranteed share
of bandwid
Allocation Mode:
"Individual (Each member of the IP range shall utilize the allocated
the IP range shall share the allocated
Select either-
bandwidth individually)"
"Collective (All members of
bandwidth collectively)"
Allocation Policy:
Select either "Utilize only the allocated bandwidth" or "Utilize more
bandwidth if available"
Brief description of current entry.
- FNSW-1601 (2 pages)
- FNSW-1601 (2 pages)
- FGSW-1816HPS (2 pages)
- FGSW-1816HPS (110 pages)
- FGSW-1816HPS (105 pages)
- WGSD-10020HP (16 pages)
- GS-5220-16S8CR (432 pages)
- FGSD-1022P (226 pages)
- FGSD-1022P (12 pages)
- FGSD-910P (28 pages)
- FGSW-1602RS (30 pages)
- FGSW-2402S (39 pages)
- FGSW-2620PVS (50 pages)
- FGSW-2624SF (2 pages)
- FGSW-2620VM (213 pages)
- FGSW-2624SF (2 pages)
- FGSW-2620VM (96 pages)
- FGSW-2620VM (2 pages)
- FGSW-2620 (2 pages)
- FGSW-2620CS (2 pages)
- FGSW-2620CS (81 pages)
- FGSW-2620CS (2 pages)
- FGSW-2620CS (80 pages)
- FGSW-2840 (2 pages)
- FGSW-4840S (263 pages)
- FGSW-4840S (2 pages)
- FGSW-4840S (38 pages)
- FNSW-1600P (20 pages)
- FNSW-1600S (33 pages)
- FNSW-2400PS (2 pages)
- FNSW-2400PS (70 pages)
- FNSW-1602S (43 pages)
- FNSW-2402S (39 pages)
- FNSW-4800 (2 pages)
- FNSW-2401CS (38 pages)
- FSD-1604 (12 pages)
- FSD-2405 (18 pages)
- FSD-1606 (2 pages)
- FSD-803 (2 pages)
- FSD-803 (2 pages)
- FSD-504HP (2 pages)
- FSD-805ST (20 pages)
- FSD-804P (21 pages)
- FSD-808P (20 pages)
- FSD-808P (22 pages)