EFJohnson SMARTZONE 7780 User Manual

Page 46

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November 1999
Part No. 001-7780-500


Tx Time-Out Timer - This timer limits the length of
transmissions (Section 2.3.9). Times up to 3 minutes,
45 seconds in 15-second steps can be programmed.

Penalty Timer - This timer disables transmitting after
the time-out timer expires (Section 2.4.7). Times up
to 3 minutes, 45 seconds in 15-second steps can be

Conversation Timer - This timer limits the total
length of a conversation (Section 2.4.8). Times up to
7.5 minutes in 0.5-minute steps can be programmed.

Keypad Selectable CTCSS/DCS - Selects if CTCSS/
DCS (Call Guard) squelch codes can be reassigned
using the keypad (see Section 2.4.6).

Busy Channel Override - Selects if the busy channel
lockout feature can be overridden by quickly releasing
and then pressing the PTT switch (see Section 2.4.5).

Conventional System Scan List Screen

Scan List Button

Clicking the Scan List button displays the

preceding screen which is used to program the conven-
tional scan lists described in Section 2.4.11. Only Scan
List 1 is available with limited keypad (3-key) models.

NOTE: The conventional scan lists cannot be
programmed until all the conventional channels are
programmed. Therefore, first program the channels as
described in Sections 3.5.3
and 3.5.4.

To modify a list, click

and the

screen which follows is displayed. Select the desired
scan list in the box on the top and then select the zone
and the channels from that zone to be included. Repeat
for each zone. Do this for each list programmed. The

button deletes the selected channel(s)

from the scan list.

Conventional System Modify Scan List Screen

The following parameters are programmed in the

Conventional System Scan List Screen on the left.

Keypad Editing

This function selects if the user is allowed to edit

the scan list. This requires the Scan Edit option switch
as described in Section 2.4.11. User editing can be
enabled and disabled on each scan list.

Scan Mode

Sets the channel on which transmissions occur

when the PTT switch is pressed while scanning. A
different mode can be programmed for each scan list.
In addition, it selects if priority sampling is used and