D. press set up – Epson 1400 User Manual
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5. Print!
6. Before you judge the colors – press the tiles (See below). Colors can shift when heated and the inks vaporize.
Set up instructions for alternate software can be downloaded here:
D. Press Set Up
*Make sure that the location of your press allows for the arm to swing freely.
Follow the manual for set up of your DC16 Heat Press. TEMP should be 400 degrees.
1. The white felt pad should rest on top of the black silicone base.
***Remember when pressing– INK to COATING; COATING to INK. Images for ceramic/porcelain substrates will need to
be flipped.
2. On top of substrate layer = TEFLON/ RUBBER/ TEFLON.
3. CLOSE press and adjust pressure if needed to achieve the settings below.
Tiles -
use a medium pressure of 4-6psi for 7 min.
Crystal Jewelry
Press directly on the felt pad @ 4-6psi for 3min.only.
Sheet Glass
Let glass warm up under press for a couple of minutes prior to pressing. Use min. pressure 1-2 psi. When done, let
cool for a few minutes in opened press before moving to prevent thermal shock.* This is not necessary for small pieces or pre-cut