Chapter 1 overview, Description, Manual organization – Remote Processing RPC-52 User Manual

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The RP C-52 is an embedd ed contro ller with a built in
Basic language. Several featur es make it suitable as a
stand alone un it:


Built in RPBASIC-52 programm ing language

autoruns at power up. On card EEPROM
programmer saves programs to 32K.


Four position opto rack accepts G4 and G5 series

modules. The G4 series is the industry standard
digital I/O module. G5 mo dules are optically
isolated analog.


LCD char acter and graphic display and keypad

ports for operator interface.


Two RS-232 serial ports, one of which can be

configured for RS-422/485.


Watchdog timer resets the card if the program

" c r as he s" .


24 general purpose digital I/O lines, 8 of which are

high curr ent outputs. These lines can connec t to
another opto rack.


Calendar/ clock is battery backed and keeps track of

date and time even when power is off.


32K, 128K, or 512K RAM is battery ba cked to

save pro cess var iables and othe r data w hen powe r is


A serial EEP ROM saves program constants in a

secure media.

The RPC -52 uses an 80C552 CPU operating at 22.1184
Mhz. It can operate stand alone or on a network using
the RS-485 port. Its 4. 7" x 7" size with 4 mounting
holes makes it easy to mount in a NEMA box.
Com pactness is enh anced by the 4 on-boar d opto mod ule
slots and operator interface.

RPBA SIC-52 p rogr amm ing language is standard . T his
language is a reassembled version of the original Intel
BASIC -52. It was mo dified for the RPC -52 for co ntrol,
data acquisition applications, and on board hardware

Program development can take place on your PC, using
your word pr ocessor, or on the RPC-52. Program s from
your PC can be downloaded using PC Smar tLINK or
o th e r se r ia l c o m m un ic a ti on p r og r a m .


This m anual pro vides all the infor mation r equired to
install, c onfigure , an d opera te the RP C-52. Using this
manual you will be able to:

Interface the RPC-52 to your IBM compatible PC or
term inal.

Understand the operation of the RPC-52 hardware
using RPBASIC-52 programming software.

This manual assumes you are fam iliar with some type of
BASIC progr amming software. The syntax used by
RPBASIC-52 is similar to BASIC-52. If you are not
experie nced with a ny BASIC softwar e, y ou may w ant to
refer to books and training program s available through
your local software store. The BASIC-52 Programm ing
has information and examples for the original
commands. Comm ands unique or modified by
RPBA SIC-52 a re in the Sof tware Supplem ent in this
manua l.

The RPC-52 uses a Signetics/Philips 80C552 processor.
Additional information can be obtained from Signetics
(800-227-1817), or your distributor. Inform ation about
the 80C552 processor is in data handbook IC20.


Information appearing on your screen is shown in a
different type.


Copyright Intel (1985) and Remote Processing
Bytes free: 27434

Symbols and Term inology

NOTE: Text under this heading is helpful information.

I t i s i nt e nd e d t o a c t a s a r e m in d er o f s o m e
operation or interaction with another device that
may not be obvious.


Information under this heading warns you of
situations which might cause catastrophic or
irreversible damage.


Denotes jump er block pins.

< xxx>

Paired angle brackets are used to indicate a
specific key on your keyboard. F or
example < esc> means the escape key.

BASIC uses the decimal convention for designating
addresses and data. There are times, however, when
hexadecimal notation is more convenient to use. The
hexadecimal notation used in this manual and by
RPBASIC-52 is the 'H' character after the number. A
8CH stands for 8 C hexa decima l.