Evolve Communications RD5000 User Manual

Page 65

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Why can’t I get seven days of TV Listings in my remote?

Some digital cable and satellite systems have hundreds of channels and unless
you remove some from your listings at the Website, you might not be able to
download a full seven days of listings into your remote. In the Settings section
at the Website, reduce the number of channels in your listings to increase the
number of days you can download into your remote.
If you attempt to download Program Descriptions into your remote, and have a
large channel lineup (generally greater than 65 channels), you may receive
fewer than a full seven days of TV Listings. Try turning off the Program
option in the Settings section at the website and sync your
remote again.

Why are there no Program Descriptions for my Program Listings?

If Program Descriptions do not appear in your remote, go to the Settings
section at the Website, turn on the option and sync your remote. Program
will then appear in your remote.

Where can I review my requested Interactivity Offers and promos?

Log in to our Website and sync your remote. Then visit the Links in the
Members section.

How do I go back to the Channel Screen to see the Interactivity Opportunities?

First, you must have

DirecTune* setup in your remote. Then, click the EXIT

key to access the Channel screen.

How do I find out what my current

DirecTune device is?

Go to View

DirecTune Device by pressing the MENU key and SELECT

Remote Settings > Advanced Settings > View DirecTune Device.

How do I turn off the screen?

The screen on the remote is always on so that you have instant access to
the TV Listings, Interactivity Offers, and special Promo Offers.

Why is my TV tuning channels too slowly?

You may be able to adjust the

DirecTune speed to change channels faster with

your remote. (see Adjust

DirecTune Speed on page 53)

Why are some of my original remote functions not listed in the Extended
Function Screen?

There is a possibility that more than one code will work when setting up your
device. After you have completed setup, if you cannot find a function in the
Extended Function Screens, remove the device and try setting up the device
again using a different code.