Technical data, Utilisation – Powerfix KH 710 User Manual
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Technical Data
Max. operating pressure: 4 bar
Attachment Ø 6 cm
Attachment Ø 5 cm
WC Attachment
Shower attachment
1. Select the most suitable attachment 6/7/8/
9 for the blocked pipe and place it on the air
exit opening 5. Ensure that it is firmly secured.
2. Remove the sieve or any other inserts from the
3. Close and seal all openings, for example over-
flows, on the pipe to be cleared. Use the over-
flow seal for the overflows 0:
• With round overflows, press and hold the roll pin
so that the locking lever can be flapped in such
a way that it stands in extension with the roll pin
(Fig 1).
Fig. 1
• Guide it into the overflow. As soon as the locking
lever hits against the rear wall, it opens itself out
(Fig. 2).
Fig. 2
• Slowly release the roll pin and check to ensure
that the overflow is completely closed. The ed-
ges of the overflow seal 0 must close as uni-
formly as possible around the overflow, otherwi-
se residual soiling could be pressed out.
Fig. 3: Correctly inserted overflow seal 0
• For elongated overflows, press the roll pin and tip
the locking lever so that it stands at right angles
to the roll pin (Fig. 4).
Abb. 4
• Guide it into the overflow.
• Turn the roll pin through 90° and slowly release
it (Fig. 5).
Fig. 5
• Check to ensure that the overflow is completely
closed. The edges of the overflow seal 0 must
close as uniformly as possible around the over-
flow, otherwise residual soiling could be pressed
IB_64586_KH710_LB5.qxd 29.04.2011 12:06 Uhr Seite 21