Crivit Fitness Swing Stick User Manual

Page 6

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Exercise 2


Stretching of the upper and lower back
Kneel down with knees a bit further apart than hip width . Move your feet to-

gether, without shifting your knees, until they meet . Now bend over to the front

with your arms stretched above your head until your hands touch the floor . Try

to keep your buttock down and feel the stretch in your lower and upper back .

Hold this tension for at least 30 seconds .

Exercise 3

Forward-swinging in sidestep static

Stand in a hip-wide stance with your feet . Make a large sidestep forward in

a straight line . The heel of the rear leg should lift up from the floor . Bend both

knees and lower the back knee towards the floor . Hold the movement just

before the knee touches the floor . The front knee should be right above the

foot and be bent at a 90 degree angle . Stretch the Fitness Swing Stick in front

of you with both hands .
Swing: Swing the Fitness Swing Stick up and down .
As a reminder: Keep the hip straight and avoid turning by tensioning up the

stomach and buttock muscles . Make sure that the front knee is in line with the

foot . Avoid turning the knee to the side .
Duration: Swing the Fitness Swing Stick for about 20 seconds, and then

change to the other leg and repeat the exercise on the other side .