Pre-installation tasks for adaptive server – Sybase ADAPTIVE 15.0.2 User Manual
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Pre-installation tasks for Adaptive Server
Adaptive Server Enterprise
Pre-installation tasks for Adaptive Server
Before installing Adaptive Server:
Read the release bulletins for the latest information on the products
(Adaptive Server, Monitor Server, and so on) that you are installing. See
“Special Installation Instructions” in the release bulletin.
Install operating system patches, if required.
Adaptive Server running on the Solaris 10 operating system
encounters performance degradation when using asynchronous IO on
file-system devices. This can manifest in severe performance degradation
on single CPU machines and significant performance degradation on
multi-CPU machines under load. This is due to a bug in Solaris kernel, Sun
BugID 6302167.
To resolve this problem, install these patches from Sun Support:
Solaris 10 SPARC: PatchID 120048-03
Solaris 10 x86/x64: PatchID 120049-03
See the release bulletin for general patch information.
If you are having trouble starting the installer, make sure you have the
required operating system patches for the Java Runtime Environment
(JRE) version 1.4.2.
Information about the required operating system patches is available from
Sun Java Web site at
Review the SySAM procedures and plan your client/server configuration
using the configuration guide for your platform.
Create a “sybase” account on your system to perform all installation tasks.
The “sybase” user must have permission privileges from the top (or root)
of the disk partition or operating system directory down to the specific
physical device or operating system file.
Log in to the machine as the “sybase” user.
Maintain consistent ownership and privileges for all files and directories.
A single user—the Sybase System Administrator with read, write, and
execute permissions—should perform all installation, upgrade, and setup