Edimax Technology pmn802.11b/g WLAN USB adapter with Wi-Fi Detector User Manual

Page 33

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5. What is Infrastructure

An integrated wireless a nd wireless and wired LAN is called a n Infrastructure

config uratio n. Infrastruct ure is applicab le to enterprise scale for wireless access to

central database, or wireless applicatio n for mobile workers.

6. What is BSS ID

A specific Ad hoc LAN is called a Basic Service Set (BSS). Comp uters in a BSS must

be config ured with t he same BSS ID.

7. What is WEP

WEP is Wired Equivale nt Privacy, a data privacy mec ha nis m based o n a 40 bit shared

key algorithm, as described in the IEEE 802 .11 standard.

8. What is TKIP?

TKIP is a quick-fix met hod to quickly o vercome the inhere nt weaknesses in WEP

security, especially the re use of encryptio n keys. TKIP is invo lved in the IEEE 802.11i

WLAN sec urity standard, and the spec ificatio n mig ht be officially released by early


9. What is AES?

AES (Ad va nced Encryptio n Sta ndard), a chip-based sec urity, has bee n de veloped to

ens ure the hig hest degree of security and a uthe nticity for digital informatio n, wherever

and howe ver communicated or stored, while making more efficient use of hardware

and/or software than pre vio us e ncryptio n sta ndards. It is also inc luded in IEEE 802.11 i

standard. Compare with AES, TKIP is a temporary protocol for replacing WEP sec urity

until ma nufact urers imple me nt AES at the hardware leve l.

10. Can Wireles s products support printer sharing

Wireless products perform the same functio n as LAN prod ucts. Therefore, Wireless

products can work with Netware, Windows 2000, or other LAN operating systems to

support printer or file sharing.

11. Would the information be intercepted while transmitting on air

WLAN features two-fold protection in secur ity. On the hardware side, as with Direct

Seq ue nce Spread Spectr um tec hnolo gy, it has the inhere nt secur ity feature of

scrambling. On the software side, WLAN series offer the encryptio n functio n (WEP) to

enha nce sec urity and Access Co ntrol. Users can set it up depe nd ing upo n the ir needs.


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