Troubleshooting, 7 troubleshooting – Edimax Technology pmn802.11b/g WLAN USB adapter with Wi-Fi Detector User Manual

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7 Troubleshooting

This chapter provides solutio ns to problems us ually e nco untered d uring t he installatio n a nd

operation of the adapter.

1. What is the IEEE 802.11g standard?

802.11g is the new IEEE stand ard for hig h-speed wireless LAN communicatio ns that

provid es for up to 54 Mbps data rate in the 2.4 GHz ba nd. 802.11g is quick ly becoming

the ne xt mainstream wireless LAN tec hnology for the home, office and pub lic networks.

802.11g defines t he use of the same OFDM mod ulatio n tec hniq ue specified in IEEE

802.11a for the 5 GHz freque ncy ba nd a nd applies it in the same 2.4 GHz freq ue ncy

band as IEEE 802.11b. The 802.11g standard req uires backward compatibility with


The sta ndard specifica lly calls for:

A. A new phys ical lay er for the 802.11 Medium Access Co ntrol (MAC) in t he 2.4 GHz

freque ncy ba nd, know n as the exte nd ed rate PHY (ERP). The ERP adds OFDM as

a ma ndatory new coding sc heme for 6, 12 and 24 Mbps (mandatory speeds), and

18, 36, 48 and 54 Mbps (optional speeds). The ERP inc ludes t he mod ulatio n

sche mes found in 802.11b includ ing CCK for 11 and 5.5 Mbps and Barker code

mod ulatio n for 2 and 1 Mbps.

B. A protection mec ha nis m called RTS/CTS t hat gover ns how 802.11g devices a nd

802.11b devices interoperate.

2. What is the IEEE 802.11b standard

The IEEE 802.11b Wireless LAN standard subco mmittee, whic h formulates the

standard for the ind ustry. The objective is to enable wireless LAN hardware from

different ma nufactures to communicate.

3. What does IEEE 802.11 feature support

The prod uct supports the following IEEE 802.11 functio ns:


CSMA/CA plus Ack nowle dge Protocol


Multi-Cha nnel Ro aming


Auto matic Rate Selectio n


RTS/CTS Feature


Fragme ntatio n


Power Manageme nt

4. What is Ad-hoc

An Ad- hoc integrated wireless LAN is a group of comp uters, each has a Wireless LAN

adapter, Connected as an inde pe nde nt wireless LAN. Ad hoc wireless LAN is

applicab le at a departmental scale for a branc h or SOHO operation.


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