Edimax Technology pmn802.11b/g WLAN USB adapter with Wi-Fi Detector User Manual
Page 11

The Ico ns o n the LCM display are displayed as follows:
1. Operating Cha nne l: Indicates the c urre nt operating c ha nne l of the detected Wi-Fi
sig nal.
2. Number of AP’s Detected: the left digit ind icates whic h detected Wi-Fi sig nal is
curre ntly display ed a nd the rig ht digit indicates the total amount of Wi-Fi sig nals
3. Encryptio n indicator: “WEP” for WEP encryption, “WPA” for WPA encryption, a nd
“WPA2” for WPA2 encryptio n, and “OPEN” ind icates it is a no n-e ncrypted signa l.
4. “G” ind icates the sig na l is a 802.11g wireless signa l. “B” indicates the sig nal is a
802.11b wireless signa l.
5. Sig na l strength indicator with 5 bars indic ating the sig nal strengt h.
6. “In” ind icates the sig na l is an infrastruct ure mode sig nal, “Ad” ind icates the sig na l
is an Ad hoc mode sig na l.
7. Battery indicator with 3 bars indic ating battery power. When the ind icator is
empty, please recharge the detector by inserting it into a USB port.
8. SSID Indic ator: Displays the SSID of the detected Wi-Fi sig nal, if the SSID is too
lo ng the SSID indicator will scroll to display the co mplete SSID.
4. If the user wishes to detect a signal with a ded icated SSID, the user simply has to ho ld
down the “sca n” button for 4 seconds to enter “lock mode”. Whe n the detector is in “lock
mode” an ic o n with a capitalize d “L” appears in the upper midd le corner of the display.
In “lock mode” the detector constantly refreshes t he sig na l strength so the user ca n
mo ve around to find where the detected sig nal strengt h is the strongest.
Just ho ld down t he “scan” b utton for 4 seconds again to unlock the “lock mode”.