12 quitting the program, 3 data synchronization – Casio PV-750 Plus v3.0 User Manual
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All four fields have now been transferred to the right-hand side and the newly created field
mapping can be saved with [OK]. This brings you back to the field mapping menu. If you now
select the field mapping you have just created, you can start the export process by pressing
[OK]. The exported data are now ready to be transferred to other programs.
To now read the data into Microsoft Excel, change to Excel and load the exported data into
the memory with 'Open…' from the 'File' menu. The data format in the file selector box must
be set to "DBF Files (*.DBF)". After starting the loading process with [OK] the exported
data in Excel is ready to be edited further.
Importing data from other programs is carried out in the same way but in the opposite order.
Therefore, first of all save the required data in another program in one of the data formats,
then choose the data field in PC sync to which the data should be imported and to actually
transfer the data, select 'Import…' from the 'File' menu.
There is also the option of loading an exported file automatically with a different application.
Select an application in the list "Load Result File with Program". This program, which is
started automatically after the file has been exported, will then read in the exported file. To
use this function, you first need to set up one or more links to applications on your hard disk.
Click on [Export Link…] in the Export dialogue, which is then followed by another dialogue
box. Click on [New…]. Under "Application:" enter either the the complete path and file name
of the application you wish to start (e.g. "c:\office\winword.exe") or click on the file selection
option and browse until you have found the desired file. Under "Name" enter a sufficiently
meaningful name for this application (e.g. "Word 97") and choose [OK] and then [OK] again
to confirm. You can now select the newly created link in the list "Load Result File with
Program". If, for instance, you export the Memo area in RTF format and you are going to use
Word 97 after specifying a file name, then Word 97 is automatically started on your PC,
loading the export file with the Memo area.
For a successful export link, make sure you only specify file formats that can be read
by other applications. If you are not sure, consult the user's guide of the other program.
3.2.12 Quitting the Program
To quit the program choose 'File': 'Exit'. PC sync then saves its basic settings, such as the
size and position of the main window, so that these are available again next time you run the
program. If the program contains unsaved data, a query is presented.
3.3 Data Synchronization
Data Synchronization provides you with the following capabilities. Data synchronization
to update BN/PV Unit file data and PC file data so modifications (edit, delete, create) made
in one file are reflected in the other.
Working with PC sync