5 entering new records into the personal contacts – Casio PV-750 Plus v3.0 User Manual
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3.2.5 Entering New Records into the Personal Contacts
The CASIO PV Units have several contact areas summarized in the area tab called
"Contacts". The sub-areas are accessible through the vertical area tabs at the right
side. Mail and SMS (Short Message Service) can only be sent or received. Display,
editing and deletion not supported.
In this example we are going to create/edit Personal Contacts data with the Editor. You will
also learn a convenient way of marking, copying and moving data.
To start with, choose 'File': 'New', and select the proper Digital Diary to open a new file
window. Next, use the area tabs or choose 'View': 'Personal Contacts' to display the
Personal Contacts. To enter a new record, either choose 'Edit': 'New Item…': 'Personal
Contacts' or press . The Editor Window is now opened.
Like the main window, the Editor has a title bar, menu bar, toolbar, input window and status
bar. The title bar shows the name of the current database area, the menu bar contains
specific Editor functions, and the toolbar is tailored to suit the Editor. You will find a
description of the various icons and their functions in Appendix B of this manual.
The input window is structured like the one on the Digital Diary, with the fields Name,
Phone (H), Fax (H), Mobile, Address (H), E-mail, Employer for BN Unit/Company for PV Unit,
Phone (B), Fax (B), Position, Department, Address (B) and Note. To move around from one
field to another, press
permitted by the CASIO Digital Diary. The insertion point can be moved freely around the text
field. To mark a text with the cursor keys or mouse, press
highlighted block of text can then be cut or copied to the Clipboard. Note, however, that a
marked block of text cannot extend from one field to another. You can only mark strings
within a given field.
The status bar displays brief information on the current screen situation as well as two
figures, telling you how many characters have been entered into the current record and
how many are still available for further input.
For the sake of our example, fill in the different fields with data.
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