EMI CAC User Manual
Page 4

CAC Cassette Evaporator
The cassette is best installed in new con-
struction or existing construction with a sus-
pended or false ceiling with enough clear-
ance to accommodate concealing the piping
and electrical connections to the unit.
Unpacking: The cassette fascia and
main chassis are packaged together for
increased protection.
• Remove the banding straps and lift the
cardboard lid.
• Fascia is packed in bubble wrap and
on top of the chassis (fascia is not at-
tached to the chassis for shipping).
• Cardboard template is between the
chassis and the fascia (DO NOT throw
template away with packaging!).
• Lift the fascia and template from the box
and set aside.
• Remove the Cassette chassis from the
box utilizing the four corner brackets
for lifting. DO NOT use the drain or re-
frigerant connections for lifting.
• In order to protect the fascia from dirt
and damage, it should be returned to
the box until it is ready to be installed.
Blanking off: When branch ducting
is to be used, two polystyrene pieces for
blanking off fascia openings are Included
with the fascia packing. Up to two oppos-
ing sides may be blanked off.
DO NOT throw the two polystyrene
blanking off pieces out with packaging!
Electromechanical Operation (Stan-
dard): An optional thermostat can be ob-
tained through EMI or your local distributor.
NOTE: make sure the thermostat is
suitable for unit operation (i.e., cool-
ing only, cooling/electric heat, etc.)
Filters: Metal framed filters are fitted. These
are reusable and may be vacuum cleaned.
Condensate pump: A condensate
pump is designed to carry water out of
the unit. The pump is fixed to a mounting
bracket which can be withdrawn from the
side of the chassis and incorporates an
inspection hole to allow a visual check of
the pump during operation. A float switch
is fitted to stop the cooling action (shut
off the compressor) should the pump be-
come blocked or fail.
IMPORTANT: Total lift for this pump is
36” or less.
Air vanes: Air outlet vanes are manu-
ally adjustable on the 9-12K units or
driven by an electric motor on all other
model units. Where fitted, the motorized
air vanes can be set to auto sweep or can
be stopped in a fixed position.
Heating: The cassette may be fitted with
electric heaters which are equipped with
over-temperature limit switches.
Fresh air connection: fresh air may be
introduced to the unit by the addition of ducts
connected to the fresh air knockouts on the
Cassette case. It is usually advised that the
fresh air volume is approximately 7-10% of
the unit’s published maximum air flow.