EMI CAC User Manual

Page 11

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CAC Cassette Evaporator

Assembly Instructions

2. Ensure the white fi r tree fasteners

holding the fascia polystyrene are

pushed fi rmly in

(they may have

loosened in



3. Lift the fascia onto the chassis mount-

ing bolts. Align the key hole brackets

with the mounting bolts and slide the

fascia forward to lock into position.

To complete the installation adjust the lou-

ver position to 30° from plumb, this is recom-

mended for


system per-


1. To install the four fascia mounting bolts:

a) Remove the bolts and wash-

ers from the supplied kit bag.

b) Put washers onto the bolts.

c) Screw the mounting bolt with

washer into the chassis leav-

ing approximately 1” to hang

the fascia.

4. On 18-36k units connect the vane motor

plug by plugging it into the socket con-

nection on the chassis.

a) Ensure that the connector is in the

proper orientation.

b) Route the wires in a way that en-

sures they won’t become trapped,

cut, broken or chaffed.

Female vane

motor plug on


Male vane

motor plug

on fascia

5. The fascia can now be tight-

ened up to the Cassette

chassis. Make sure a

good seal is obtained

between fascia and

chassis, this is neces-

sary to prevent recir-


Note: Do not over tight-

en the bolts. To do so

may cause damage to

the fascia.

With fi lter(s) in place, the inlet grille(s) can

now be installed onto the fascia.

Note: The fascia only fi ts correctly one

way. Position the fascia so that the

AmericaSeries logo is on the control box

end of the chassis.