Yaskawa SmartTrac DeviceNet Card User Manual
Page 25

SMART TRAC DeviceNet Card
Technical Manual 3554-0070 Testing Card Installation
Network Status (NS) LED: A two-color LED indicates network
communications status. When solid GREEN, it indicates that it is
online and connected to other devices. When flashing GREEN, it
indicates it is online but has not established a network I/O connection.
When solid RED, it indicates that it has not established a network I/O
connection, possibly because a duplicate MAC ID was detected, a bus-
off conditions exists, or a communications failure. When flashing RED,
the connection has timed out.
Table 4. Interpretation of the Network Status Indicator.
Network Status (NS) Indicator LED
LED State
Device State
Off-line or not
powered up
Device has not completed the
duplicated MAC ID (node
address) check.
Device may not be powered.
Check Module Status LED.
Flashing GREEN
On-line and NOT
On-line, but has no connections
in established state:
Device passed the duplicate
MAC ID (node address) check,
but has no established
connections to other nodes.
On-line and
On-line and has connections in
established state.
Flashing RED
Connection Time-Out One or more of the I/O
Connections are in the Timed-
out state. The Smart Trac AC1
has probably stopped polling
slave devices.
Solid RED
Critical Link Failure
Failed communication device.
An error has been detected that
has rendered the device
incapable of communicating on
the network.
A duplicate MAC ID (node
address) error was detected.
A bus-off condition exists.
Flash rate for LED is approximately 1 flash per second: ON for approximately 0.5
second, then OFF for approximately 0.5 second.