Yaskawa MP2000iec User Manual

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Subject: Example Code Manual

Product: MP2000iec

Doc#: EM.MCD.09.095

Title: Example Code Manual for Linear Flying Shear on MP2300Siec Sigma-5 Demo using camming

July 13, 2009

Page 4 of 21

Figure 3: Critical positions on the cam master slave profile

Figure 3 details the critical points on the master and slave profiles. The algorithm followed to execute the linear

flying shear is shown in Figure 4. The algorithm starts with the shear axis (slave) at the home position and the

master axis running at a constant velocity. The slave axis waits for a registration mark from a part or on the

master axis. This triggers a shift in the master position such that the start of the cam cycle comes by when the

registration mark reaches the slave home position after covering the sensor to start distance (SSD). Once the

slave cams in and is synchronized, the window for capturing next registration latches opens up (when the slave

passes 30 mm of travel in the forward direction). If a registration is captured when the window for capture is

open, the position is stored and the calculation for phase and master distance is performed. The shift cannot

start immediately because when the shearing process is in progress, the slave and master need to be in tight

sync. Only after the shear is done, can the shift for the next part start. This is determined using a dead man area

on the slave’s position profile (user defined).