1 oper ation – HEIDENHAIN IK 5000 Addendum User Manual
Page 54

1 Operation
.1 Oper
Adjust the display magnification of error whiskers
During the fit analysis, probed points that do not fall precisely on the
nominal profile generate form errors. When tolerances are specified,
the errors are divided into two groups, those that pass (Passed) and
those that fail (Failed) tolerance criteria.
The passed and failed form errors can be displayed as whiskers that
extend from the nominal surface. The length of each whisker is
proportional to its magnitude of error.
Typically, the magnitude of most form errors is so small in proportion
to the part displayed that without magnification they would not be
visible. The Measure Profile3D window menu and toolbar include
fixed, automatic and user-definable levels of magnification for
displaying error whiskers.
Fixed magnifications: display magnifications are selected directly by
the user.
Automatic magnification (AX): the system optimizes the display of
error whiskers based on the maximum form error value.
User-defined magnification (UX): A data field will be displayed for
specifying the level of magnification.
To adjust the display magnification of form error whiskers:
Right-click the Measure Profile3D window to display the Measure
window menu
Click Error Mag to display a menu of magnification alternatives
Click the desired magnification selection
Select error magnification from Measure Profile3D
window menu