Grass Valley XtenDD v.4.0.x User Manual
Page 18

Supplement Software Release V4.0.x
XtenDD / DD35 Production Switchers
Operating Instructions -- Rev. 2 / 1.2003
A flexible license permits the user to use a defined resource of a certain type (e.g.
Chromakey). Contrary to a static license, it is, however, not defined which resource
is concerned. That means, the user can decide in which M/E and at what place he
wants to use this resource. So the user acquires with the flexible License a flexible
resource which can be used at a self--defined place in the system.
For instance, a FlexibleChromaKey Resource can be assigned to a ChromaKey
”ME1_ KEY1”. Thus, ME1_KEY1 can be used as ChromaKey. When now assign-
ing the FlexibleChromaKey Resource to ME2_KEY2, this key can be used as Chro-
maKey, simultaneously, ME1_KEY1 is no longer available as ChromaKey.
Which flexible resources are allocated is defined by the application data. When
loading an application, the resources required by the application, are then allocated
to the application.
At the moment, the following options are available for Flexible Resources:
FLOAT_CHROMA_KEY (Version V4.0.2 is required)