Grass Valley iTX Output Server 2 v.2.5 User Manual

Page 27

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iTX Output Server 2

Launch Guide

3 To enable the passing of null SCTE messages for heartbeating to downstream services,

click Heartbeat Enabled.

This option is only supported by the SCTE104 plugin.

4 In the Output Line Number field, enter the vertical ancillary (VANC) line number on

which to output SCTE messages.

5 To enable pass-through to downsteam services, check Pass-Through Enabled.

This option is only supported by the SCTE104 plugin.

6 To have incoming messages passed through on the selected output line number, check

Pass-Through on Output Line.

7 To perform partial or full replacement of splice event inbound SCTE messages, enter a

value in Event Mask.

The mask configuration allows for bit level "OR" masking. For example:

Incoming message (hex):


Inputted Event Mask string (dec):


Actual Event Mask (hex):


Output (hex):


This option is only supported by the SCTE104 plugin.

8 To set the delay TXPlay 2 allows before it responds to Start Sequence and End

Sequence messages, enter a value in Delay (Frames).

9 Enable the required Inbound Triggers by checking any of the following options:

• If you want the channel to process


insert commands, enable

Sequence Start.

• If you want the channel to process


insert commands, enable

Sequence End.