Grass Valley iTX Output Server 2 v.2.5 User Manual
Page 21
iTX Output Server 2
Launch Guide
2 To set the format and frame rate for the channel, select a value from the Resolution
drop-down list (e.g.
720p 50.00 Hz
3 To specify the source of the timing reference signal that is supplied to the SDI video
card in the playout server, select a value from the Reference drop-down list.
4 The values for the Active Format Description (AFD) insertion lines are determined by
the selected Resolution. The default is typically the switch line +2 for all formats.
To change the default values, enter the new values into the following fields:
• AFD S2016 Insertion Line
• AFD RP186 Insertion Line.
5 If you are using a vertical interval timecode (VITC) generator for an SD channel,
complete the following fields, as required:
• SD VITC Detection Line
• SD VITC Insertion Line
6 To configure the ancillary timecode (ATC) data for a HD channel, select the required
options from the following drop-down lists:
• HD ATC Source Type
• HD ATC Output Type
7 You can adjust the horizontal and vertical output timing relative to the time reference
signal using the controls in the Output Timing Control (Ext. Ref. Only) section. This
allows the SDI video card to synchronize an incorrectly timed video input signal to the
time reference signal.
a To set the horizontal output timing value in pixels, enter a value or use the slider on
the Horizontal (Pixels) field.
b To set the vertical output timing value in lines, enter a value or use the slider on the
Vertical (Lines) field.
8 The Channel Delay seconds:ms may be needed to adjust the output timing for
transitions, such as when switching the output of a master channel into and out of
regional sub-channels. For accurate transitions, the internal processing may need
adjusting to take account of the throughput time of a live source.
To set the Channel Delay seconds:ms, enter a value in seconds and milliseconds or use
the slider.
9 Click Save to store your changes and automatically reboot the Output Server 2 service.
Alternatively, wait until you have finished making changes in other areas of the
Configuration panel, then click Save.