Configuring the nielsen watermark – Grass Valley iTX Output Server 2 v.2.5 User Manual
Page 22

Setting Up Output Server 2
Configuring the Nielsen Watermark
Configuring the Nielsen Watermark
The Nielsen watermark is an inaudible cue tone in the audio stream of the channel output
signal. In the USA and Canada, the Nielsen watermark is detected by devices that provide
information for television audience measuring.
Both Nielsen watermarking version 2 (N2) and version 4 (NW) are supported. Either format
can be inserted or both can be inserted simultaneously into the data stream. This is
configured from the Watermark tab on the Output Server 2 Configuration panel.
Unlike N2 watermarking, NW processing does not support the
overwriting of audio codes that are present in the stream before the
watermarking process begins. Instead, the watermark engine leaves
space for a second (and possibly a third) Final Distributor Service ID in the
program band.
To configure Nielsen Watermarking on audio output:
1 Open the Configuration panel and click the Watermark tab, as described in
the Output Server 2 User Interface
2 Check Enable Watermarking On Audio Output.
3 In the Audio Output Group field, enter the output group to which you want to apply
the watermark.
4 In the Process Type field, select one of the following:
• N2
• NW
• Both
5 In Service ID field, enter the Nielsen channel ID number.
6 In the Check Digit field, enter the two-letter Nielsen check digit.
7 In the Distribution Type field, select one of the following: