Cameraman configuration switches, Figure 1.9 configuration panel, Switch bank a – Grass Valley 3e CameraMan User Manual

Page 18: Cameraman configuration switches 10, Configuration panel 10

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Chapter 1

10 CameraMan 3e 3-CCD Camera Installation and Operations Manual

CameraMan Configuration Switches

Behind the configuration plate on the lower right
side rear of the 3-CCD Camera is the configuration
panel. These DIP and rotary switches are used to
link the camera’s settings to other components in
the system.


Configuration Panel

Note: After changing any switch’s settings, turn the
camera off, then back on to activate the change.
Refer to page 21 for Dip Switch configuration.

Switch Bank A


Indicates that the camera is in autoTRACK mode.
The IR spinners are running and the camera is
attempting to acquire data from the TRP.

Tracking Unit Status

Indicates that the camera has acquired the RF
signal from the TRP and is receiving valid data.
When this LED is OFF, TRP power is usually OFF.



Switch 7

(Baud Rate Switch)

Used to change the camera’s Baud Rate

Switch 8

(Memory Lock Select


Can be used to prevent programmed settings from
being accidentally overridden.

Switches 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Reserved for future use.