Recommended accessories, Camera control keypad, Figure 1.1 3-ccd camera control keypads – Grass Valley 3e CameraMan User Manual

Page 12: Shot director, Figure 1.2 shot director, Recommended accessories 4, Ccd camera control keypads 4 shot director 4

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Chapter 1

4 CameraMan 3e 3-CCD Camera Installation and Operations Manual

Recommended Accessories

Camera Control Keypad


3-CCD Camera Control Keypads

Whether used in wireless RF, or hard-wired mode,
this keypad gives the ability to control the pan, tilt,
zoom, focus, iris, and location presets for up to three
separate cameras. The standard keypad comes
standard with the Student Camera System, and the
Tracking Keypad comes standard with the Presenter
Camera Systems.

SHOT Director


SHOT Director

Some applications require precise and flexible cam-
era control. Grass Valley’s SHOT Director is a joy-
stick controller designed to give ultimate control by
affording the ability to adjust to the pan, tilt, zoom,
focus, iris, CCU functions and location presets on 1
to 16 different cameras from one location. And its
built-in CCU functionality allows adjustment of each
camera’s on-screen image.